Sol och bad, flea market , bio och casino
Ja vi hinner med en hel del härborta, sol och bad, besök på bio, grabbarna såg "Sherlock Holmes" och tjejerna gick på "New Years Eve"på fredagkväll. Tjejerna var nog mest nöjda. På Lördagen besöktes Flea Market med en hel del shopping och på lördag eftermiddag åkte vi till Tampa för ett besök på stans Casino. Nina lyckades bäst på den enarmade banditen och Robin stannade kvar vid pokerbordet. Hur det gick för honom får vi veta snart./
Yes we have time for a lot over here, sunbathing and swimming, visits to the movies on Friday night, the guys saw "Sherlock Holmes" and the girls went to "New Years Eve" on Friday night. The girls were probably the most satisfied. On Saturday visited the Flea Market with a lot of shopping and on Saturday afternoon we went to Tampa for a visit to the city's casino. Nina might be the best at the one-armed bandit and Robin stayed at the poker table. What happened to him, we learn soon.
Yes we have time for a lot over here, sunbathing and swimming, visits to the movies on Friday night, the guys saw "Sherlock Holmes" and the girls went to "New Years Eve" on Friday night. The girls were probably the most satisfied. On Saturday visited the Flea Market with a lot of shopping and on Saturday afternoon we went to Tampa for a visit to the city's casino. Nina might be the best at the one-armed bandit and Robin stayed at the poker table. What happened to him, we learn soon.