Huset i Davenport, Orlando/ the rented house in Davenport, Orlando
Has now moved into our rented house in Orlando. Five bedrooms, three bathrooms, stunning kitchen and a pool, we feel really luxurious. A truly wonderful house.

Mer bilder kommer i dagsljus /More picture tomorrow
Amway Center, från puck till boll
Fick tag på biljetter till en NBA-match i Amway Center Stadion, Orlando där Orlando Magic mötte New Jersey Nets . I New Jersey fanns en mindre älskad spelare, Kris Humphries , som blev utbuad många gånger, Han är med i en reality-serie med sin fru på Tv i USA och där har han inte visat sin bästa sida. Men vilken fantastisk anläggning i alla fall och vilken inramning. Kul att vara med om.
From the east coast we drove on up to Orlando
Got a ticket to an NBA game at Amway Center Stadium, Orlando where Orlando Magic met the New Jersey Nets. In New Jersey there was a less loved player, Kris Humphries, who was booed many times, He is in a reality series with his wife on TV in the U.S. and where has he not shown his best side. But what a fantastic facility in all cases and the framing. Fun to be with.

IKEA. Vi är INTE i Sundsvall!!!!/ Swedish IKEA but not in Sweden

Glass på IKEA / Icecream at IKEA

Och Mera mat / And more to eat

Vem leder sol-ligan!!!!!

Deerfield Beach Florida

En hockeykväll på Bank Atlantic Centeri Fort Lauderdale, hemmaarena för Florida Panthers blev det. Panthers mot Toronto Maple Leafs. En fantastisk arena på alla sätt. Vi satt väldigt högt upp och såg riktigt bra trots avståndet.
Rosa polisbilar/ Pink police cars

Kortspel på stranden /Playing card on the beach

Julafton/ Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve was sunbathing on the beach, a little shopping and good food. We did not really feel that it was Christmas Eve for us. We think of you at home and hope you had a good Christmas.
Kändis!!! Celebrity
Encountered our first celebrity Tye Pennington from "Extreme Home Makeover" at the shop Footlocker .We tried to sneak the film but the photo was a bit blurry.

God Jul/ Merry Christmas

önskar vi alla därhemma/ Merry Christmas

poolbilder i Miami/Pictures from the pool

Suck vilka jobbiga syrror! / Oh! the annoying sisters
My sisters

Miami Beach
Vi är nu i Miami Beach, bor på hotell Eva. Ett hotell som vi även bodde på för 3 år sedan. Kommer att stanna här till den 26 dec. Så det blir att fira jul i ungefär 27 graders värme. Känns så bra!!
We are now in Miami, staying in hotels Eve. A hotel that we stayed at for 3 years ago. Will be here for December 26 So it gets to celebrate Christmas in about 27 degrees. Feels so good!Key West
Very touristic but also very nice you can say about Key West. On the way there we traveled over many islands (52 pc to the specific article)

Våran duktiga chaufför
Vår duktiga chaufför som tar oss runt i USA/ Our talented driver who takes us round the U.S

Mot Key West
We leave the hotel and casino in Tampa and go further south. Has now reached Key Largo in South Florida. Tomorrow we go out to Key West.
Sol och bad, flea market , bio och casino
Yes we have time for a lot over here, sunbathing and swimming, visits to the movies on Friday night, the guys saw "Sherlock Holmes" and the girls went to "New Years Eve" on Friday night. The girls were probably the most satisfied. On Saturday visited the Flea Market with a lot of shopping and on Saturday afternoon we went to Tampa for a visit to the city's casino. Nina might be the best at the one-armed bandit and Robin stayed at the poker table. What happened to him, we learn soon.


Clearwater Beach
Further down towards the beautiful Clearwater Beach in western Florida. Known for its amazing white sand. 25 degrees so days have been spent on the beach. Got a good hotel overlooking the beach so we stay here two nights.

Jul ska firas ordentligt

Atlanta, Georgia Coca cola Musèet

Bomullsplantagen/Cotton plantation

Lite fler bilder från Wilmington/Some more pictures from Wilmington

Sista dagen i Wilmington/Last day in Wilmington
Sedan började färden mot Atlanta. Ett hotellstopp blev det, men nu är vi här i Atlanta. Morgondagen kommer att börjas på det berömda Coca-cola museet och sedan åker vi ner mot den riktiga värmen i Florida
Third day of the auction, it was still an enormous amount left, most furniture, paintings and electronics. We stayed up until 3 pm and there was even buying that day. What we bought, you might see when we get home.
Then began the journey to Atlanta. A hotel stop was, but now we are here in Atlanta. Tomorrow will start at the famous Coca-Cola museum and then we go down to the real heat of Florida.

2a dagen på wrap sale och one tree hill locations/ 2 days on the wrap sale and One Tree Hill locations
Lördagsförmiddagen tillbringade vi på oth 2a wrap sale dag, Med lite armbågar så kunde kenneth ropa in ett par baseball handskar från 50 talet för ynka 10 dollar. Anna lyckades få med sig Clothes over bros schetes. Därefter väntade lunch buffe och bilåkning runt staden för att hitta lucas, nathans, peytons och rivercourts inspelningsplats. Ännu en dag med Oth tema. Imorgon är 3e och sista auctionsdagen, därefter åker skutan vidare, nästa stop Colombus.
Saturday morning was spent on oth 2a wrap sale today, with a little elbow kenneth could call in a couple of baseball gloves from the 50's for a measly $ 10. Anna managed to get himself Clothes over bros schetes. Then time for lunch buffet and traveling by car around the city to find Lucas, Nathan, Peyton and River Court shooting location. Another day with Oth theme. Tomorrow is the 3rd and final auction day, next stop Colombus.
Lucas och karens hus
Wilmington och wrap sale.
Resan fortsatte tidigt på fredagmorgonen till Wilmington north Carolina. 20 mil senare var vi på plats och kunde snabbt känna igen diverse platser från tv serien One tree hill. Shopping på Independce mall och lunch på food court så var vi redo att åka vidare till One tree hills wrap sale. Niclas gjorde första fyndet för dagen, då han ropade in basket korgen från kända "river court" för de ynka 5 dollar.
Mat shopping på Walmart och vidare till hotellet därefter. Imorgon väntar en ny dag på wrap sale. Nya fynd ska ropas in!!
The journey continued early on Friday morning to Wilmington North Carolina. 20 mil later we were on the spot and was able to quickly identify various locations from the TV show One Tree Hill. Shopping on Independce mall and lunch at the food court, and then we were ready to go on to One Tree Hill wrap sale. Niclas made the first find of the day, when he shouted the basketball hoop from the famous 'River Court' for the measly $ 5.
Food shopping at Walmart and on to the hotel afterwards. Tomorrow awaits a new day to wrap sale. New discoveries will be called up!
Genom Georgia och nu i Florence, South Carolina
Went early this morning forward the St. Augustine in northeast Florida on through Georgia and are right now in Florence, South Carolina. Got a good hotel where there is both a gym and indoor pool. So it was both a little practice and swim in the pool. Tomorrow we go on to Wilmington, North Carolina, where we will attend an auction of props from the filming of "One Tree Hill". Wilmington's the place where the TV series was shot.
Vidare norrut
On our way north we stopped at a fantastic little cute city, infact the oldest city in USA, St Augustine , Charming built and now with lots of christmas.

Polis, polis!! Police, police!!
Baymont Inn, Orlando

Chicago Airport

På väg/ On our way

Frukost på hotellet innan avfärden över Atlanten/Breakfast at the hotell before our travel over the Atlantic Ocean